Important "Magickal Message" From Owlvine Green:

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FROM: Owlvine Green

TO: You

SUBJECT: Introduction

Hello my loves, and welcome to the Spell Casting Club!

Thank you so much for clicking on this link to discover if this space is right for you. I’m so thrilled to be able to share this magical space with you all! I’ve witnessed time and time again how powerful it is for those who are led to be here.

Our Club is made up of people with different levels of experience – from those who are yet to cast their first spell, all the way through to seasoned witches with 20+ years of practice under their belts. So no matter where you’re at in your magical journey, the Spell Casting Club is a place you can learn, grow and rub shoulders with people from all backgrounds and magical practices.

Onto the nuts and bolts: The Spell Casting Club is a monthly magical subscription delight! Each month you will receive newsletters, tutorials and videos jam-packed with magical goodness!

There are step-by-step spell demonstrations and loads of real-world practical magic.

Each month we dig deep into a magical topic like money, protection, elemental magic, beauty, healing and loads more!

We also have a 100% private Facebook group you have access to when signed up – where we all connect, ask questions, share and learn with each other. It’s a beautiful, uplifting place! This is where you can receive tailored guidance and ask all those burning questions – little or big. We’re always close by to support you and your magical goals in any way we can.

There are two subscription options to choose from, ‘Initiate’ and ‘Adept’.

Each month the Initiate level receives a newsletter with an in depth magical topic as well as several spells, a magical tutorial and two spell demonstration videos.

Each month the Adept level receives all of the Initiate content, as well as their own newsletter, tutorial and spell videos.

Down below you will find all the detailed information about what you can expect when joining the club. If you have any other questions about the Spell Casting Club please leave them under any of my YouTube videos and I will get back to you!

If you feel in your heart the Spell Casting Club is for you, scroll to the bottom of the page and you’ll find our sign up options. I’m so excited to begin this part of our journeys together!

Sending each and every one of you loads of love and many blessings, and I’ll see you on YouTube again soon!

Owlvine xx

...after 3 years of Magickal Creation... the most unique, interesting, empowering, and fun "Magickal School" in the world...

If you've ever felt misunderstood...

...if you've ever felt like you're "missing something" that would make life easier, but you can't put your finger on it...

...if you've ever wanted a wise teacher with an "old soul" to show you how to create real positive changes in your life with Magick...

...if you've ever wanted to be accepted for who you are by a comforting group of Magickal students and teachers... each ready to send positive energy, and cheer for you as life changes in amazing ways.

...if you've ever wanted someone to raise you up, instead of putting you down while listening to your hopes, problems, and fears...

...if you've ever needed a comforting, kind shoulder to cry on... or some "wise words" that immediately dry your tears and help make your path clear...

...if you've ever been tired or frustrated with your spells... or you just don't know where to start, or who to listen to... or what spells to cast...

THIS is your answer.

The Spell Casting Club is a one-of-a-kind online "Magickal Classroom". Inside, we will personally guide you through simple Magickal Spells and Techniques to attract your deepest desires in life.

You will have access to Magick Spell video demonstrations, tutorials, newsletters, checklists, pop quizzes, personal interaction with teachers and students... and so much more.

Your Magickal Teaching staff even has "online office hours" where you can get all the personal help you need.

Here's exactly what you will receive as a Spell Casting Club Student every single month.

1. The Spell Casting Club Newsletter (7-11 pages of "easy reading" simple step-by-step Magick Spells, Magickal Words of Wisdom, and all the latest Spell Casting Club News... complete with cute and colorful illustrations/photos.)

This beautifully formatted full color PDF newsletter is delivered to you every month inside your Spell Casting Club Student-Area. (You can easily view the newsletters on ANY computer or device.)

Each newsletter starts with Magickal words of wisdom, advice. This a warm "Magickal Greeting" will keep you focused, positive, and engaged with our wonderful Magickal community.

Here's a quick list of the special little spells and Magickal techniques you'll discover inside your first 3 Spell Casting Club Newsletters...

  • The "Owl Power Spell" for attracting more of SOMETHING. (This simple spell was written to attract prosperity... but it works just as well to attract love, luck, or anything else you want more of. All you need is a heat proof dish, a candle, and a pen.)
  • How to boost the results of any spell with a simple "3 step setup" that draws powerful energy from one candle during your casting.
  • A super-simple Magnetic Attraction Spell you'll do with a candle to attract love and true friendship into your life quickly.
  • How to "find" your own Magick Grimoire - and exactly how you'll use it to add extra-positive energy to every spell you put inside.
  • How to use "FIRE" to create courage, strength, and energy in your spirit. (This technique has a side effect of making you more desirable to others because gives you a subtle "Air of Authority".)
  • An easy way to embed your deepest emotions into any candle... and release it ALL into the universe at the end of your spell. (This turns your raw emotion into a powerful, targeted energy that is released into the universe. Use this during emotional spells close to your heart for amazing results. NOTE: This works best for love spells.)
  • The "4-Step Magick Candle Activation Oil" that charges any candle with your true intentions for fast-acting spells. (This only takes a few extra minutes, and works amazingly well if you don't over-use it. IMPORTANT: If you use this powerful oil more than once a month, it can lose some of it's Magickal "punch".)
  • A simple exercise for creating your own "Nature Wand" that automatically focuses and MAGNIFIES the energy of any spell. (This is crafty and fun! The best part is, the wand is absolutely FREE. )
  • How to turn any item into a "Magickal Power Tool" that injects your spells with stored Magick Energy. (I recommend following this simple process to create 1 "Magickal Power Tool" per desire. IMPORTANT: If you carry your tool with you every day, it will attract good luck.)
  • A simple "Candle-Prep Exercise" that charges a candle with energy targeted on solving a problem, or attracting a desire. (This empowering exercise will change slightly based on the color of the candle and spell type. NOTE: I've had amazing results after this exercise by simply "setting and forgetting" the candle as it burns down a firesafe container. You don't even need to do a spell!)
  • The "Light A Fire Under Me" Steamroller Spell for filling your spirit with pure energy... so you can tackle the little tasks that have been building up in your life... and get them all done! (Follow the steps exactly and feel uncontrollable energy build within your body and soul. Go with it! )
  • The "Simple Fire Of Protection" Spell that immediately whisks bad energy away from your home (and your life) for good. (You are just 6 simple steps away from purging all the negativity holding you back from your true desires.)

2. The Spell Casting Club Monthly Video Spell Demonstration

Each month you'll receive a unique, simple, powerful step-by-step video spell demonstration created by one of your Magickal Teachers, for Spell Casting Club members only.

You will not find these spells anywhere else.

Every spell is a unique blend of time-tested Magickal Practice... each one broken into simple steps you can follow with ease.

No complex rituals... no hard-to-find or expensive ingredients or tools.

You'll be guided quickly and easily through every step of each simple spell demonstration with loving care.

Plus we create each spell with positive energy and LOVE...each one designed to focus 100% of your energy on ONE THING, so you attract the specific results you desire..

Here's exactly what you will experience during each Video Spell Demonstration...

5 Parts Of Every Spell Casting Club
Video Spell Demonstration

PART 1: Your teacher will introduce the spell, including what it will accomplish and exactly what you can expect after casting.

PART 2: Next, your teacher will show you exactly what items and ingredients you will need for the spell.

IMPORTANT: Your Spell Casting Club teachers believe in our "KISS Spell Casting Method" for best results. KISS stands for: "Keep it Simple, Student."! :)

We know (from years of experience) that simple spells with simple ingredients attract the best results. Just in case you don't have something, your teacher will always provide you with a list of substitutions you can easily find.

You'll never have to spend a dime on tools or ingredients if you don't want to... so you can FOCUS 100% of your energy on the goal of the spell. (This is one of the "Magick Keys" for getting results from a spell, as you know.)

PART 3: You'll follow along as your teacher guides you through the "setup steps" for casting the spell. These steps include how to organize your Spell Casting Space or altar (which can be just a small table), how to position your items, and any other unique and special suggestions for the spell.

PART 4: Next, you will follow your teacher through every step of casting the spell. Most of these simple spells will take you just 3-5 minutes to cast. (For best results, I suggest you watch the Spell Casting Demonstration before casting, so you can "go through the motions" in your mind. Then cast the spell on your own.)

PART 5: Finally, your teacher will show you how to "end" the spell in just the right way.

How you end a spell is often the most important part. This is the moment when all the built up energy you've focused on your desire is released into the universe.

Here are just 3 of many fascinating video spell demonstrations you'll cast with your teachers over the coming weeks and months:

  • The "Lucky Pot of Gold" Spell for attracting random bits of prosperity and abundance into your life over the next several weeks. (The beauty of this simple spell is the short little "daily ritual" that keeps the energy of this spell active for as long as you wish.)
  • A "Color Fire Healing" Spell that cleans away the negative energy causing your physical or mental ailments. (You'll use a different candle color for each type of ailment to remove the correct "negativity type" from your body or mind.)
  • The "Happy Days Rune" Good Luck Spell that draws luck attracting energy from an old "rune". (This quick and easy spell is designed to attract good luck into your life OR the life of anybody you choose over a 3-day period. NOTE: You'll be provided with a copy of this powerful old rune inside your Spell Casting Club Student Area.)

3. The Spell Casting Club Magickal Tutorial Of The Month

You'll also receive a Magickal Tutorial Demonstration Video and Magickal PDF Companion each month to guide you through a powerful "outside the box" Magick Technique.

Hold your teacher's "hand" as you dip your toe into an even deeper (and exciting) Magickal Ocean. The unique and powerful Magick Techniques we explore together will add more excitement and "flair" to your life while expanding your positive energy flow.

The Magickal Tutorial Videos are typically 10-15 minutes long and explore a variety of powerful life-changing topics like Divination (strengthening your ability to see your future), Astrology, Kitchen Witchery, Craft Magick, and so much more.

The "Magickal PDF Companion" Guides contain additional information to help you perform the techniques in quick reference format. Inside, you'll find everything broken into simple steps, plus some tips for getting the best results. (These beautiful 3-5 page full color PDF guides are easy to print, and open perfectly on any device.)

Here are just 3 of the many Magickal Tutorials you will experience inside The Spell Casting Club:

  • How to use the "Mindfulness Method", "Purification", and "The Secret Release" to send a balanced, focused, powerful "energy ball" from your next spell so you see results quickly. (You won't be able to "see" the energy ball, of course, but if you do this right you'll feel it.)
  • 3 creative tips for magnifying the results of any spell by using the power of the SUN. (While moonlight is more common in Magick, it is the SUN that can bring a strong dose of "light and power" to your spells. We'll show you several ways to invoke the power of the sun... including a special "gem" you can find anywhere in the world that contains sun-energy.)
  • A simple method for creating a "Besom" (Witches Broom) that sweeps negativity from your life, replacing it with prosperity and abundance.

4. The Spell Casting Club Checklist And Quiz (To Keep You On Track)

You'll see 2 special buttons below your Magick Training Items each month.

  1. The Spell Casting Club "Checklist". As you progress through the most important Magick Training Items of the month, you'll check each off your list right inside the Spell Casting Club Student area. And each time you complete a checklist, our teachers will personally acknowledge your progress to keep your positive energy flowing strong.
  2. The Spell Casting Club "Quiz". There is a 10-15 question quiz for each month of Magick Training. Your results are "scored" automatically inside your Student Area. This is our way of making sure you have a grasp of the most powerful "Magickal Keys" so you experience positive results with the spells. Each time you score 100% on the Magickal Quiz Of The Month , you will receive acknowledgement by your Magick Teachers.

These 2 wonderful additions to your Spell Casting Club Student Area will keep you on track, and make sure you take positive steps toward the life you desire.

Tracking your progress in The Spell Casting Club is a powerful habit - and we've made it FUN. (We'll reward you too!)

5. Access To Rose Ariadne's Private (and SECRET!) Spell Casting Club Student Facebook Group

The SECRET "Student Only" Facebook Group is the "heart and soul" of The Spell Casting Club. Once you are Inside, 4 important things will happen.

  1. You will have personal interaction with your Magickal Teachers. Plus you will be able to connect with other Spell Casting Club students if you wish... as well as participate in fascinating, positive, and empowering group discussion.
  2. You will receive recognition from your Magick Teachers (and the rest of the group) each time you get a perfect score on the Magickal Quiz of the month or complete the entire Magickal Checklist of the month.
  3. You will tap into the endless "LOVE LIGHT" created by this warm and caring Magickal group for use in your spells. The first thing you'll notice is the that group is filled with positive energy. We are all here to listen to you, encourage you, and send you positive energy anytime you need it.
  4. You will have several chances to participate in "Facebook Live" group spells and rituals throughout the year to harness the powerful energy of the group during special times. These live events are designed to give you a powerful Magickal Boost so you can tap into the positive "energy pool" created by the group. You'll also be encouraged to "call out" the specific desire or problem you wish to focus on. When you do this, you'll receive tips from your teacher in real time.

    For example... if it's LOVE you desire, your Magick Teacher might tell you to use a red candle, instead of a white one... and make other small adjustments to the ritual.

    If it's PROSPERITY you desire, you may be asked to use a green candle and visualize images of abundance in your mind's eye.

    Towards the end, you will draw from the energy of the group and release it during the climax of the ritual to attract the results you want.

It's easy to see why The SECRET Spell Casting Club Facebook Group creates a Magickal Snowball of love, light, belief, and positive energy that grows in power for you every single day.

How GOOD will it feel to have this special Magickal Group sending you a constant stream of beautiful thoughts and positive energy?

You will never feel lost and alone on your Magick journey as you interact with your supportive, loving, and empowering Magickal Family with talented teachers helping you every step of the way.

A family that will accept and love you for who you are... quirks, mistakes, problems, and all..

In the end, you are a unique, special, and "gifted" person who wants to deepen your relationship with Magick so you can create a better life. All in the safety and comfort of a special group that really gets you.

2 Important Facts About The Secret Spell Casting Club Facebook Group

  1. This really is a "SECRET" group for your privacy. It is completely hidden from the public. Only teachers and students will be able to see it exists.
  2. The Secret Spell Casting Club Facebook Group is 100% POSITIVE, and we have a zero-tolerance policy for negativity or "bullying" of any kind. This is a safe place where you can receive all the help and guidance you need from a supportive, intimate, and friendly group you can trust.

You will receive a private invitation to join the SECRET Spell Casting Club Facebook Group within 1 business day after you become our newest student.

Expect a warm, friendly "welcome" from your teachers (and many of your fellow students) once you are added to the group.

6. Surprise "Special Edition" Spell Casting Club Issues And LIVE Group Spells In Celebration Of Special Holidays and Events Throughout The Year.

We are hard at work preparing seasonal Magick Training Material you will use to tap into the positive energy of special events and Holidays.

It's FUN to celebrate the holidays with your teachers and fellow students as one big happy "Magickal Family".

Plus, each phase of the year creates a unique and different opportunity to make permanent improvements to your life.

Just 3 quick examples of holidays we will celebrate with surprise "Special Editions":

  • During Samhain (Halloween), the veil between the living and the dead is "thinnest" ... so we will focus on spells and rituals that communicate with our lost loved ones.
  • During Ostara (around Easter), we will focus on natural sources of Magick. You will follow along with the group to combine earth energy with the "new beginnings" of Spring. Our goal during Ostara is to reveal new sources of love, prosperity, and happiness in your life.
  • During Beltane (in early May), we will focus on candle Magick (and the element of Fire) to attract more love into our lives. (Even if you already have a partner, there is no limit to the love you can have in your life... whether it is "romantic love" or the love of "true friendship".)

Each Spell Casting Club "Special Edition" includes:

  1. A Seasonal "Special Edition" Newsletter to celebrate the holiday. This special newsletter will include several unique spells, crafts, recipes and/or rituals you will use to improve your life by tapping into the energy of the season. (Each item in the newsletter is fully illustrated and contains simple steps you can follow in your own home.
  2. The Seasonal "Special Edition" Video Ritual. This celebratory video ritual is designed to generate happiness, goodwill, good karma, and positive energy. Each Special Edition Video Ritual will be 5-10 minutes in length. Your Magickal Teachers will break everything into simple steps for you. The steps for completing the ritual will be explained in the following order:
    • The goal of the ritual, and what you will accomplish. (This will be different depending on the season. For example, sometimes we will work on love attraction which can include self-love, romantic love, and new friendships. Other times we will work on prosperity growth...happiness...balance...and protection from negativity.)
    • The exact tools/ingredients you will need to perform the ritual. (As always, if you don't have something, we will include substitute tools and ingredients you can find in your home.)
    • A full step-by-step demonstration of the ritual. I highly recommend following along with the video for practice the first time. The do on your own... for "real".
    • What to expect during and after the ritual. (You'll know exactly what you should be "feeling", along with the results you should experience after the ritual.)
  3. A Private "Facebook Live" Group Spell For The Season. You will be invited to attend an exciting Live Group Spell to celebrate the Season. During the spell you can interact with your teachers and fellow students in real time! Attending a Live Group Spell through The Spell Casting Club is a powerful experience that can directly improve the quality of your life.

    Plus, you'll receive an instant "happiness boost" that lasts for many days to come because you'll create a deeper connection with your Magick Family. You'll "feel" the LOVE LIGHT flood your heart as we create Magick together.

    NOTE: If you can't attend a live group spell, a recording will be made available to you inside your Spell Casting Club Student Area.

Adept-Level Students Receive All The
Monthly Magick Materials Above, And More...

Most "Initiate" Level students are just starting their Magickal journey... or they just don't have time for more.

However, if you want an even deeper ability to create positive change in your life... you can "jump in" to the Magickal Ocean of the Spell Casting Club with both feet by joining as an "Adept" Level Student.

Here are the additional Magickal Materials you'll receive as a Spell Casting Club Adept each month:

  1. The Spell Casting Club "Adept" Newsletter. This 6-12 page full color PDF newsletter for Spell Casting Club Adepts will help you spread your "Magickal Wings" wide with advanced Magick Spells, Techniques, and Rituals.

    This material is designed to deepen your connection with Magick so you experience more specific results from your spells.

    As always, your Magick Teacher will introduce the spells, rituals, techniques, and topics covered in the newsletter, along with your Adept-Level goals for the month.

    Then you'll be gently guided through the steps you'll follow to perform each spell and technique, so you achieve the specific results you desire.

    Here's what we'll cover in the Spell Casting Club Adept Newsletter during your first 3 months alone.
    • A simple, potent "Money Drawing Potion" that can speed-up your Money Spells. (Plus, you can dab your forehead with this each morning to attract prosperity throughout the day.)
    • A "Cyber Protection" spell for protecting your online presence. (All sorts of "bad energy" online can negatively effect your well-being, and your devices. Protect yourself from online negativity with a candle, a pen and paper, a common protection herb, and your inner focus.)
    • How to protect yourself from the "Evil Eye" of another person... even when they're not trying to harm you. (Most people don't realize that we are bombarded by negative energy from others every day... sent towards us by accident! Now you can set protections in place to "deflect" this negativity... and see an immediate improvement in your life.)
    • A short list of the most powerful "energy adding" crystals and herbs, and exactly how to use each one in a Magick Spell. (When you select a crystal or herb that "aligns" with your goal... you'll experience an immediate boost in your spell results.)
    • How to instantly eliminate the "hidden reason" preventing most people from living a financially prosperous life. (This simple 3-step ritual automatically rids your deep-mind off this frustrating "prosperity block".)
    • How to "create" a unique symbol that protects your online presence when uploading it to your social media profiles. (We will walk you through the simple steps for creating your own unique protective symbol that must come from inside of you.)
    • The "Magickal Morning Brew" For Protection. You'll use several common, powerful, and yummy herbs in a quick ritual to create this amazing Magickal Tea. (Sip this slowly for 15-20 minutes to create a warm blanket of protection around you that lasts the entire day.)
    • 6 daily steps for "centering" your energy to stay balanced, positive, and happy every day. (BONUS: Do this right before a spell to align your energy with your true desire so you attract amazing results.)
    • The truth about how money spells really work... and 2 prosperity-drawing "thoughts" you must hold in your mind to get results from money spells almost every time.
    • How to "ground" yourself after casting a spell to connect the energy of the spell to YOUR life. (Do this simple 4-step grounding ritual in the moments after your spell to "fuse" the results into your immediate future.)
  2. The Spell Casting Club "Adept" Video Spell Demonstration. Each month you'll cast the Adept Level Spell of the month by following the simple steps with your teacher. Each of the Adept Level spells are designed to guide you into a deeper area of Magick so you attract more specific results from the spells.

    Here are the Adept Level Video Spells we'll do together over your first 3 months...
    • How to create a small "Magick Nature Bundle" any person can wear to protect themselves from ALL harm. (You can actually "feel" nature's sweet protective energy enter this bundle when you cast the spell... and when you put it on, you'll be confident and secure wherever you go.)
    • A powerful 2-for-1 "Color Candle Protection" spell that protects you and your family from a specific type of negative energy... AND replaces that negativity with good luck!
    • How to make a "Wooden Wand of Meaning" that boosts the energy of your spell and sends it directly into the Cosmos. (You don't need a wand to cast powerful spells... but a this wand personalizes the spell and directs your energy exactly where it needs to go.)

      IMPORTANT NOTE: While these spells are a bit more advanced, they all stay within our belief that simple spells almost always work best. (And you won't need any hard-to-find ingredients or expensive tools to cast these spells.)

  3. The Spell Casting Club "Adept" Magickal Tutorial of the Month. Inside this Magickal Tutorial Video and 3-6 page full-color PDF Companion, your teacher will guide you through an "outside the box" Magickal spell or technique so you can experience Magickal success on a deeper level.

    In just the first 3 months of Adept Level tutorials, we will explore...
    • The Red Wine "String Hoodoo" Money Spell. (This amazing spell uses several "secret ingredients" you'll find around your home to attract abundance, help lighten your debt, or guide you into extra income.)
    • An amazing (and simple) method for selecting stones and crystals to use in spell work by letting THEM choose YOU. (When you use one of these in a spell, you can "feel" the extra power.)
    • How to make your own "Talisman Cross Mojo Bag" that expands your inner energy during every spell you cast. (This is the perfect "Magick Slump Breaker" for any time you feel stuck and aren't getting results from your spells. )
    • Owlvine's Simple Quartz Candle Spell for ANY desire. (All you need is a black candle and quartz crystal for this one, and it releases "laser-focused" spell-energy to attract your most important wish. This works like a charm if you follow the steps and put your own "twist" on the spell as instructed.)
    • A fun money drawing altar you can "feed" every day so it continues to attract prosperity and abundance. (You can also use this altar in your money spells for amazing results!) (NOTE: "Feed" this altar for as long as you wish to keep prosperity flowing into your life.)
    • How to combine the right color, moon phase, herbs, and crystals to cast potent Money Magick Spells that attract quick results.
    • 5 simple ways to "cleanse" a stone or crystal before using it in a spell. (Cleansing everything in the same way is a big "no no" and can leave residual energy that blocks your spell.)
    • How to "activate" the power of your Chakra for an additional boost of energy that makes every spell stronger. (There are 7 main Chakra points, and you'll discover exactly which one to activate based on the spell you're going to cast.)
    • The Magick "Power Wash" Spell that cleanses negativity from you body with the power of Chakra. (Do this before a spell when you need quick results...)
  4. The "Adept" Level Spell Casting Club Checklist And Quiz. As an Adept you will receive all Initiate Level material as well, so your checklist and quiz will cover it all. As you progress through the most important training items of the month, you'll mark them "complete" on the checklist inside your Spell Casting Club Student area.

    Plus, you'll take The Magick Quiz Of The Month to make sure you have a grasp of the most important "Magick Keys" covered during the month.

    Each time you complete a checklist, or score 100% on the Magick Quiz, your Magickal Teachers will take notice by reaching out to you personally.

Now that you know the difference between a Spell Casting Club Initiate and an Adept, you have a choice...

As an "Initiate" Level Spell Casting Club Student you'll have access to all the Initiate Level material. (I recommend this level if you are brand-new to Magick, or don't have
time for more.)

Are You A Spell Casting Club Initiate Or Adept?

To help you make this important decision, here are some guidelines to help you decide which option is best for you:

The Initiate Level Spell Casting Club membership is for you if...

  • You consider yourself a beginner and still aren't quite sure if this "stuff" works yet.
  • You have limited time to practice spell casting each month. (The Initiate Level material is designed to take 1-3 hours per month to absorb and practice. We've "boiled" the material down to the simplest spells and techniques that can attract amazing results, without you spending lots of time.)
  • You are a beginner who is a little nervous about spell casting...yet still curious if it really works. (And you're even more curious if it will work for YOU...) Your Magickal Teachers will get you started by explaining exactly what Magick is, how it works, and why it is completely safe and naturally good. Then we will guide you through two very simple, basic, and fun spells designed to attract quick results. (It's a thrill the first time you cast a spell that works... and it's our goal for you to feel this shortly after you sign up).
  • As an "Adept" Level Spell Casting Club Student you'll have access to all the Initiate Level material
    AND the Adept Level material.
    (I recommend this level if you
    are an existing student of
    mine or want to jump in
    with both feet!)

The Adept-Level Spell Casting Club membership is right for you if....

  • You feel (or have been told) you have special gifts. (For example, maybe you can "feel" or "sense" things will happen before they actually do. Or... you've been called an "old soul" by others.)
  • You have been a student of Magick for any length of time and want to experience better results from your spells among a thriving Magickal Community that cares.
  • You've always had a fascination with the Mystical World, and you're curious to see what you can do with the power inside you.

Whether you choose to start as an Initiate or Adept student, our mission is to create life-changing Magickal
experiences for you every single month.

There is a lot going on "behind the scenes" of The Spell Casting Club. That's why we've assembled a talented, compassionate, love-filled Magickal team to help provide a life-changing Magickal experience for you.

There's an entire team, including: Magickal Teachers, editors, desktop publishers, artists, a Magickal Support Staff, video specialists, web designers, and several others in the background... all working to make the Spell Casting Club a truly unique and special place.

Our Spell Casting Club Accountant (Jenni) had to consider all of this when setting a tuition price for The Spell Casting Club.

The challenge is to keep the tuition at a reasonable level, while still supporting our amazing Magickal Team.

Jenni has settled on a monthly student fee of $29.95 for "Initiate" Students, and $49.95 per month for "Adept" Students in the future.

If you think about all you receive inside the Spell Casting Club, I think you'll agree those tuition prices are quite reasonable. And when you consider how dramatically your life can change for the better with the Magick inside The Spell Casting Club... these tuition prices may become just a "drop in the bucket".

It's our duty to make sure you experience a constant stream of prosperity, love, and happiness as your deepest dreams come true on-by-one... spell-by-spell. And you'll have the support of our Magickal Community... everyone cheering for you and sending positive "LOVE LIGHT" energy to power your spells to success.

All this considered, it's easy to see why a tuition of $29.95 a month (for Initiates) and $49.95 a month (for Adepts) is reasonable

That's just $.99 per day (Initiate) or $1.66 per day (Adept).

And If You Already "Know" This Is Right For You, Your
Spell Casting Club Tuition Can Be Even Lower...

If you have been patiently waiting for this... or you already know you want to be with us for a long time, you can save even more with our Yearly Spell Casting Club Tuition Plan.

When you sign up using the yearly plan, your tuition will be just $297 per YEAR (Initiate), or $497 per YEAR (Adept).

This works out to just $24.75 per month ($.82 cents per day!) for Initiates, or $41.41 per month ($1.38 per day!) for Adept Level Students.

This is an additional 17% off your already discounted "seat" inside the Spell Casting Club.

Just choose an option below to become our newest Spell Casting Club Student today...


Spell Casting Club "Initiate"

What you'll receive each month:

  • The Spell Casting Club Initiate Newsletter
  • The Spell Casting Club Initiate Video Spell Demonstration
  • The Spell Casting Club Initiate Magickal Tutorial
  • Access To Rose Ariadne's Private (and SECRET!) Spell Casting Club Student Facebook Group
  • Surprise "Special Edition" Spell Casting Club Issues To Celebrate Special Holidays and Events
  • The Seasonal "Special Edition" newsletter to celebrate the season
  • The Seasonal Special Edition Ritual Demonstration Video
  • A Private "Facebook Live" Group Spell For the Season
  • A Seasonal "Magickal Tutorial"

Select An "Initiate" Tuition Plan


Spell Casting Club "Adept"

What you'll receive each month:

  • ALL of the "Initiate" Material In Option #1 (To The Left)
  • The Spell Casting Club Adept Newsletter
  • The Spell Casting Club Adept Video Spell Demonstration
  • The Spell Casting Club Adept Magickal Tutorial
  • Access To Rose Ariadne's Private (and SECRET!) Spell Casting Club Student Facebook Group
  • Surprise "Special Edition" Spell Casting Club Issues To Celebrate Special Holidays and Events
  • The Seasonal "Special Edition" newsletter to celebrate the season
  • The Seasonal Special Edition Ritual Demonstration Video
  • A Private "Facebook Live" Group Spell For the Season
  • A Seasonal "Magickal Tutorial"

Select An "Adept" Tuition Plan

And no matter which option you choose, your Spell Casting Club Membership will be protected by our...

Magick Student 30-Day "Circle of Trust" Guarantee.

The moment you enroll in The Spell Casting Club, you will receive Instant Access to your first full month of Magickal Spells, Techniques, Tutorials and Demonstrations. This includes your month #1:

  • Spell Casting Club "Magick Newsletters".
  • Magickal Tutorial Videos and Companion PDFs.
  • Spell Casting Video Demonstrations.
  • Magickal Quizzes. (To make sure you absorb the "key" spell casting points and Magickal words of wisdom.)
  • Monthly "Magickal Checklists". (To guide you through all of the material with ease.)
  • Access to the "Secret" Spell Casting Club Facebook Group

You can cancel your membership any time you wish, and you will not be billed again.

Additionally, you have 30 days to explore your first month of Magickal Material before deciding this is for you. If you are not excited and thrilled to be a part of it all, just let us know by emailing our "Magickal Support Staff" (or open a support ticket with 1 click inside your student area).

You will receive an immediate refund of your first month's tuition. No questions will be asked. You will be sent one friendly email confirming your cancellation and refund.

It doesn't matter if you enrolled as an Initiate or an Adept... it doesn't matter if you used the Monthly Plan, or the Yearly Plan... you will receive an immediate credit of your first Spell Casting Club Tuition payment.

I want you to feel comfortable trying everything out. You can interact in the Secret Spell Casting Club Facebook Group to ask questions, get advice, and feel the love of your new community.

You can absorb every technique and simple spell in your first newsletters.

You can follow along with the spell casting demonstration video while you cast your first spell.

You can practice the special techniques and spells in the Magick Tutorials of the month by following the steps in the Tutorial Video and Magick Companion PDF.

If you decide it's not just for you at any time during your first 30 days, just tell us.

You'll receive an immediate refund, and we'll cancel your membership without asking a single question.
(Remember, even after the first 30 days, you can always cancel at any time!)

This is our promise to you as your Magickal Teachers.


NOTE: We take data security very seriously. We've partnered with Chargebee to host the safe and secure registration page with bank-level security. Your billing profile will then be stored with, one of the safest (and best) payment processing companies in the world. They are partners with Amazon, Facebook, Kickstarter and many more big companies..

You can rest easy knowing your billing profile is 100% safe and secure when you become a Spell Casting Club Student.

Here's exactly what will happen as you enroll and become
our newest Spell Casting Club Student today...

Your browser isn't compatible with this video. Please read the transcripts below.

As you can see in the video above, once you successfully submit the 100% Safe and Secure Spell Casting Club Registration Form, you will be directed to our warm and friendly "Thank you and Welcome to the Spell Casting Club" page.

It's important for you to spend a minute on this page because it contains a short welcome letter along with your username, password, and a link you'll click to login to The Spell Casting Club for the first time.

Once you login, you will be asked to change your password. (Make sure you write it down. )

Next, you will be sent inside your Spell Casting Club Student Area for the first time. A special "new student" box will appear on the page where you will:

  1. Watch a short tutorial about how to use your Spell Casting Club Student Area. (You'll see how easy it is to access all your Monthly Magickal Materials which include your: Magickal Newsletters, Spell Casting Videos, Magickal Tutorials, Checklists, and Quizzes.
  2. Watch special video introductions from your new Magick Teachers.
  3. Follow simple instructions to gain access to the "Secret" Spell Casting Club Private Facebook Group. (This is the main place you will interact with other Spell Casting Club students and your Magickal Teachers...)
  4. Follow simple steps to access all your Monthly Magickal Materials. (This includes your Magickal Newsletters, Spell Casting "Follow Along Demonstration Videos", Magickal Tutorials, Checklists, and Quizzes.)
  5. Complete the simple "5-Minute Magick Reset" right on the welcome page! You don't need any tools or ingredients to complete this one, and it's simply amazing. We've designed it to make your life better almost immediately. We put a lot of thought into this, and you're going to love it! (This is also the first item on your Magickal Checklist... so you can check it off the list when you are done.)

Don't have time right now to spend a few minutes doing these things after you register?

We've got you covered. You'll also receive a welcome email that goes over each of these items.The email also includes a link you can use to view your welcome page anytime you wish.

Everything is "ready and waiting" for you when you login to your Private Spell Casting Club Student Area for the first time.

And when I say "private", I mean PRIVATE!

Your Identity Is 100% Private Inside The Spell Casting Club AND
The Secret Spell Casting Club Facebook Group!

The Spell Casting Club is 100% private. Our student area is not visible to the public in any way.

Plus, your member profile only contains your name and email address (to notify you when your next Monthly Magickal Training is ready).

You can use ANY name you wish, and ANY email address you wish. You can change them both at any time, quickly and easily inside the Student Area.

Additionally, The Secret Spell Casting Club Facebook Group really is a SECRET group. This means it is not visible to the public in any way. Anybody who is not a member of the group will not be able to see that the group exists. (It won't even come up in a Facebook search...I've tried!)

Finally, once you register as our newest student, your billing statement won't say anything about spells or Magick - for your privacy.

Nobody will know you are in The Spell Casting Club, unless you want them to know.

We take your privacy very seriously. It's just another reason to feel comfortable when joining The Spell Casting Club family today.

...And If You "Miss" A Magickal Training?

We've got you covered.

Each "set" of Monthly Magickal Training is safely stored inside The Spell Casting Club Student area for you to enjoy any time you wish.

This includes all your Spell Casting Club Newsletters, Magick Tutorials, "Follow Along" Spell Demonstration Videos, Checklists, Quizzes, and everything else you'll find inside.

Plus, any Surprise "Holiday" Special Editions (including the live group spells) will be neatly stored inside your student area as well.

You'll never miss a beat with our Spell Casting Club reminder emails and notifications -- sent to you each time a new Monthly Magickal Training (or special "surprise") is ready.

Month #1 of your Magickal Training is ready for you now...


Spell Casting Club "Initiate"

What you'll receive each month:

  • The Spell Casting Club Initiate Newsletter
  • The Spell Casting Club Initiate Video Spell Demonstration
  • The Spell Casting Club Initiate Magickal Tutorial
  • Access To Rose Ariadne's Private (and SECRET!) Spell Casting Club Student Facebook Group
  • Surprise "Special Edition" Spell Casting Club Issues To Celebrate Special Holidays and Events
  • The Seasonal "Special Edition" newsletter to celebrate the season
  • The Seasonal Special Edition Ritual Demonstration Video
  • A Private "Facebook Live" Group Spell For the Season
  • A Seasonal "Magickal Tutorial"

Select An "Initiate" Tuition Plan


Spell Casting Club "Adept"

What you'll receive each month:

  • ALL of the "Initiate" Material In Option #1 (To The Left)
  • The Spell Casting Club Adept Newsletter
  • The Spell Casting Club Adept Video Spell Demonstration
  • The Spell Casting Club Adept Magickal Tutorial
  • Access To Rose Ariadne's Private (and SECRET!) Spell Casting Club Student Facebook Group
  • Surprise "Special Edition" Spell Casting Club Issues To Celebrate Special Holidays and Events
  • The Seasonal "Special Edition" newsletter to celebrate the season
  • The Seasonal Special Edition Ritual Demonstration Video
  • A Private "Facebook Live" Group Spell For the Season
  • A Seasonal "Magickal Tutorial"

Select An "Adept" Tuition Plan

Your Magick Teachers, and all the other Spell Casting Club students are waiting inside with arms outstretched... ready to bring you in as part of our Magickal Family.

All you must do is take the first step right now. We'll be holding your hand tight.

Brightest Blessings,

Your Spell Casting Club Teaching Staff

5 Final "Magickal Reminders"...

MAGICKAL REMINDER #1: Here's what you'll receive inside The Spell Casting Club "Initiate" Level Student Area every single month:

  • The Spell Casting Club Initiate Newsletter (7-11 Magickal "Easy Reading" pages with cute, colorful illustrations and step-by-step Magick spells and techniques.)
  • The Spell Casting Club Initiate Monthly Video Spell Demonstration (A unique and special spell created by your Magickal Teaching Staff for Spell Casting Club members only. One of your teachers will guide you quickly and easily through every step on camera. The spells will cover Love & Friendship, Prosperity, Luck, Protection, Good Luck, and so much more. You'll even receive instructions on how to "customize" each spell for your specific needs... so it works even better.)
  • The Spell Casting Club Initiate Magickal Tutorial Of The Month (A Magickal Tutorial Demonstration video and PDF Companion to guide you through a powerful... emotional... outside-the-box spell or technique. This is your "monthly moment" to dip your toe into a deeper Magickal Ocean. These special tutorials will add an extra dose of Mystical Excitement to your life while strengthening other Magickal Skills. These include Divination, Craft Magick, Kitchen Witchery, and so many more.)
  • Access To The SECRET Spell Casting Club Student Facebook Group (This is the beating heart and soul of The Spell Casting Club. This is where you will have personal interaction with your Magick Teachers and the rest of the students.)
  • Surprise "Facebook Live" Group Spells And Rituals Throughout The Year (These special events are designed to combine the powerful energy of the group at one time. You will draw this energy into your personal space to help attract the desire you are focusing on.)
  • Surprise "Special Edition" Spell Casting Club Issues To Celebrate Important Holidays and Events (Your Magickal Teachers will be hard at work creating seasonal training material throughout the year. You'll follow along with all of us to cast spells perfectly aligned with the unique Magick Energy of each Holiday.)

If you join as an "Adept" Level Student you will receive all the Initiate material above PLUS...

  • The Spell Casting Club Adept Newsletter (This 6-12 page full color PDF newsletter provides more specific spells and techniques that are slightly more advanced. You'll go to an even deeper place inside your soul, spirit, and heart to attract more specific results from your spells.)
  • The Spell Casting Club Adept Video Spell Demonstration (You will perform the monthly Adept Spell Demonstration Video with your teacher. These spells allow you to dig deeper inside yourself, "molding" the spell energy to manifest your specific desires.)
  • The Spell Casting Club Adept Magickal Tutorial of the Month (The Adept Magickal Tutorial includes a Tutorial Video and a 3-6 page PDF Companion. These guide you gently through another focused "outside-the-box" Magickal Spell or Technique.)

Plus, you'll receive a Spell Casting Club Checklist and Quiz each month to keep you on track and make sure you don't miss any of the most important tips, spells, and techniques.

MAGICKAL REMINDER #2 : Simplicity is the key to casting successful spells. This core Spell Casting Club Belief shines through everything you will experience as a student.

You will not be required to buy expensive ingredients or tools for these spells. There will be no worries about finding rare or "weird" ingredients of any kind.

You'll find all of what you need around the house. If for some reason you are missing something -- we always provide you a simple list of substitute items to use instead.

MAGICKAL REMINDER #3 : You are fully protected with The Spell Casting Club Magick Student 30-Day "Circle of Trust" Guarantee.

The moment you enroll in The Spell Casting Club, you will receive Instant Access to your first full month of Magickal spells, techniques, tutorials and demonstrations. You'll also gain access to the Secret Spell Casting Club Facebook Group.

You can cancel your membership any time you wish, and you will not be billed again.

Additionally, you have 30 days to go through your first month of material before deciding this is for you.

That means you can interact in the Secret Spell Casting Club Facebook Group for help, questions, advice, and love... absorb every technique and simple spell in your first newsletter... follow along with the spell casting demonstration video while you cast your first spell... practice the Magickal Tutorial of the month by following along with the Tutorial Video and Companion PDF...

...and if you are not excited and thrilled to be a part of it all, just let us know by emailing our Magickal support team (or open a support ticket with 1-click inside your student area).

You will receive an immediate refund of your first tuition payment (if you stop in the first 30 days), your membership will be canceled, and you will not be billed again. No questions will be asked, and you will receive a friendly email confirming your cancellation and refund.


Spell Casting Club "Initiate"

What you'll receive each month:

  • The Spell Casting Club Initiate Newsletter
  • The Spell Casting Club Initiate Video Spell Demonstration
  • The Spell Casting Club Initiate Magickal Tutorial
  • Access To Rose Ariadne's Private (and SECRET!) Spell Casting Club Student Facebook Group
  • Surprise "Special Edition" Spell Casting Club Issues To Celebrate Special Holidays and Events
  • The Seasonal "Special Edition" newsletter to celebrate the season
  • The Seasonal Special Edition Ritual Demonstration Video
  • A Private "Facebook Live" Group Spell For the Season
  • A Seasonal "Magickal Tutorial"

Select An "Initiate" Tuition Plan


Spell Casting Club "Adept"

What you'll receive each month:

  • ALL of the "Initiate" Material In Option #1 (To The Left)
  • The Spell Casting Club Adept Newsletter
  • The Spell Casting Club Adept Video Spell Demonstration
  • The Spell Casting Club Adept Magickal Tutorial
  • Access To Rose Ariadne's Private (and SECRET!) Spell Casting Club Student Facebook Group
  • Surprise "Special Edition" Spell Casting Club Issues To Celebrate Special Holidays and Events
  • The Seasonal "Special Edition" newsletter to celebrate the season
  • The Seasonal Special Edition Ritual Demonstration Video
  • A Private "Facebook Live" Group Spell For the Season
  • A Seasonal "Magickal Tutorial"

Select An "Adept" Tuition Plan